UPDATE got it up on jack stands found 1 bolt loose that bolts the clutch to the flywheel. Also the left header tube that is a 2 piece was aganst the frame. Smacked it with a hammer now its about 3/16 from the frame. Got it running and crawled under neath and coudnt see any thing. The flywheel looks to be running nice and straight. So went top side. I noticed that on the left side number 3 header tube is tight aganst the steering box. I hammered a pry bar between them hoping the tube would dent but no go. When i rev it up the engine torques to the right inwhich pulls the header tube from the steering box. I doent seam to be jumping up and down on it. Not sure if thats it or not. The noise is still there. Its kindve hard to explain but when your in the seat you feel it more than you hear it and you feel it more at an idle.