904 vs 999

Yes and no.
Either can win that discussion, it will depend on the WOT engine torque difference between the two stall-rpms.
Say you have a combo
with 3.23 rear gears, and a 318 that puts out a max of;
200.22 ftlbs at 1800, and 224 ftlbs@2400. I mean just say.
>the A904 has a low gear of 2.45, and the A999 comes in at 2.74

>The A904 stalls at 2400=224 ftlbs so this combo will put down and
224x 2.45 x 3.23 =1772 ftlbs into the rear axles.

>The A999 stalls at 1800=200.22 ftlbs, so this combo will put down;
200.22 x 2.74 x3.23= 1772 ftlbs
So it's a dead tie.

>Now, if the 318 has more torque @1800 than stated, then the A999 will pull ahead. Whereas if more torque at 2400 than stated, then the A904 will pull ahead.
> this assumes that both convertors have identical output ratios at both rpms.

Or so the theory goes.