Dumpster diver 70 Duster build

“Just put it together and drive it” is the lie I kept telling myself.

So, scored some 660 holleys, a killer TR1Y tunnel ram, then scored some well priced buckets out of a 74 duster that got wrecked, bought some 15x8 slots, was gifted the 15x3.5 fentons….and now in the next week the 4 speed pedal setup should be here and I’ll start gathering everything to put an a833 in it. Gotta play with the throttle linkage to clear the billet baseplates, then hopefully over winter (slow season for work) I can jam all this nonsense into one rough around the corners “day two” street car. If I’ve learned anything it’s that I can’t leave anything alone and good enough is never good enough with the cars.

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Sweet old 3 wheeler, 185?