A Body Lost Trunk Key

Get a locksmith ,,,,easiest thing you will ever do .
Drive it there,,,,he can look at it and make a key in 5 minutes ,,,really !

Years ago I had a brand new box with a missing key,,,,was recommended to get a locksmith .
He climbed inside my truck,,,,looked in the lock barrel with something like what doctors look in your ear with .
He looked in the lock for 5 seconds,,,,thought about it,,,,looked inside 5 more seconds .
Then he literally took a key blank and a file using his knee for a bench top .
Took him about 25 seconds,,,,maybe !
Then he took the key and twisted it,,,,nope,,,,,needed a little more,,,,,10 more seconds and the lock was open .

After that I realized that if any locksmith was a crook,,,,there was nothing you could do to stop him !

Get a locksmith ,,,,money and trouble saved ,,,,,no damage to any body panels .

The guy who lived across from us is a locksmith. They did all kinds of access stuff. My son lost his tool chest key. He looked at it opened the van. Has tons of key blanks, and a key machine on a desk. Made a key. Touched it up a few times. If I needed a key and had original I could call him with a number. He could do keys with out a key from wherever he was and toss um in my mail box when he got home. Locks keep honest folks out.