360 Over heating

Just by looking at that photo I knew that engine would run hot. As stated by others, the radiator has to be flush with the radiator support or air will just go around instead of through it at speed. A lot of the aftermarket electric fans can't really keep an engine cool, I have been there and done that, and eventually just went back to a clutch with a mechanical fan and shroud. Nothing beats a mechanical fan with a good properly sized and sealed shroud to keep and engine running cool. I know that you do not want to throw money away with that fan, but you may just have to ditch it. I would put the radiator back to where it should be, and if you want to keep the electric fan, see if you can offset it enough so that the motor clears your water pump pulley, the fan does not need to be exactly in the center of the radiator to be effective, if you cannot get it to fit then you might just have to sell it to someone that can use it.