Time to remember how to tune a 1920 1 bbl carburetor

Update. I went out to the carburetor parts and got out the can of carburetor cleaner spray. I blew through all the holes in the carburetor body, and they seem to be free and unclogged. The idle air bleed hole had no problem blasting a solid stream of cleaner spray out the transfer slot and the idle adjustment screw hole. The high speed air bleed hole is very tiny, but it looked like liquid was getting through it also. The main discharge nozzle also had a solid stream of cleaner spraying through it.

So if anything is clogged, I'm guessing it is in the metering block. But when I was spraying through the block I thought it was okay as well. Who knows. I cut the top off a plastic bottle and put the metering block in it to soak in vinegar. The choice of vinegar over acetone was because the vinegar was in the kitchen, whereas the acetone was a mile away at the nearest auto parts store. I'll let it soak and see if that helps anything. Then maybe hit with acetone as well.