4 of my 7 PT Cruiser have been turbos!
Never a problem with any of them.
If they had a sales problem, they should have updated and redesigned the PT.
During the 10 year run, it was #3 in sales.
Only more 300s and Ram pickups were sold during that period.

All my vehicles have been MOPARS.
The only pain in the *** was the carb on my 360 Dodge Maxivan.
After many years of frustration, we finally put a manual choke on it.
But it was the vehicle that built the most family memories.

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Lots of memories with my 72' B300 Sportsman Royal, also a Maxi. For what I paid for it, I could of bought a 6 pack or Hemi ($5,800). You do what you think is best at the time.