360 Over heating

Thanks for all the replies. A couple of things have been said that I was leaning towards and a lot of other useful info. Engine is able to maintain temp while idling but it's when I run it down the road it gets hot.

To address some things;
The fan is set up to push, not pull and confirmed to be doing so. It's thermostatically controlled to come on @ 180 and does according to my temp gauge.
Idle timing is 16 deg initial with 35 all in by 2500.
Thermostat does open but maybe it's not opening fully. I may have to remove it and test it in hot water to see.
The fan is not centered as it is mounted (16") but even fully offset it was too thick to fit behind the rad.

I've thought about going to a 7 blade clutch fan and shroud but I might have to custom make a shroud to fit this rad. First thing I plan to do is remount the rad correctly and TRY to see if I can fiddle around to get the current fan to work. If not, I'll explore my other options.