Well, I drug home another one

5 months and no updates? Wow I’m an ***. But I assure you guys I haven’t forgot about the car. Plans for the car have changed slightly and I’ll share those as we move forward. Now that the car has been running and driving for a bit I found myself rather bored with a stock (ish) 318 automatic dart (shocker, I knew that would happen). A friend of mine @jedrattle needed an engine for his d100, @Turbo440Dart convinced me to use some of the old mopar junk I had lying around and my girlfriend agreed that we need to do more race car things with our race car friends so we hatched a plan. We’re going drag n drive racing, hopefully in late 2025. Over the last few months I’ve screwed an engine together, and yesterday we yanked the 318 out of the dart and sent it to its new home. It feels good to be motivated to work on the car some more and get some stuff accomplished. More to come. For now some pics to catch you guys up.