273 swap to 318/ build, cost, potential, daily driver

I say this with all the fellow car buy love I know how so don't take it personally. It sounds like you want someone to lead you by the hand through this. That ain't gonna happen. You are going to have to make up your own mind what you want and how to go about it. We're here to help with things if you get hung up on something, but we can't make your mind up for you. I know what I would do, but whether that meets your wants or needs is anybody's guess.
I can appreciate that and respect where you’re coming from. Perhaps I reached to deeply and it came off as a “help me!” And I’m not looking to waste anyone’s time here in that regard. I guess I came to a crossroad on 273 vs 318 magnum and was looking for experience and or guidance in making an educated decision for the needs that I feel I have mentioned. Regardless, no offense taken. I appreciate the time and efforts on everyone here. I’ll tone it way down on my part in crying and find a way to continue moving forward. Thank you for the feedback.