Does This Debunk the "Coolant Can Flow Through the Radiator Too Fast" Idea???

The fact is you need to read up on cooling an engine before putting in your 2 cents. You may be able to run some old, tired engine with no thermostat, but you will not run any high-performance engine that way. Thats like saying you don't need a fan. If the water doesn't stay in long enough to pull out the heat why would you need to cool it at all. I don't mean any disrespect but, just think about it. Or are you being funny. LOL

Sorry bro, you’re thinking is wrong and I’m not indulging your fantasy about how cooling systems work because your mind is already made up.

If you care to (I don’t care what you do but for your benefit I suggest this) go to the Stewart Components website and read through their tech articles.

Once you’ve done that, head over to the Flowkooler website and read through their tech stuff.

By the end of it you should have ample proof your understanding is bassackwords.