How To Measure Fuel Volume.

And that’s why I said a time skip isn’t the do all, bee all, end all in telling performance. It’s not and it’s not very accurate unless you know what the engine should make for power in the weather conditions for the day.

Then you can look at the time slip and trust it.

Of course even that assumes can bite you in the keester because I’m still stunned by how many people don’t know the exact weight of their car.

I was at the track a week ago with a friend and a guy says “what’s the car weigh”? It’s a 73 Duster with iron heads.

So I told him. And the dude is insulted. He says there is no F’ing way the car weighs that much.

And I do know what it weighs because it’s been scaled. With my friend in the drivers seat with his helmet it’s 3600 on the nose with a full tank.

I weigh about 90 pounds less than he does and the tank was 3/4 full so I told him 3500 with my pig sized fat *** in it.

He figured it was in the 3200 pound range and I laughed. It’s a 73 dude, it’s heavy.

Without knowing exactly what the car weighs you are just guessing what you make for power with a time slip.

I was probably plus or minus 20 pounds so I was close.

Pretty sure the Op Said he was 3000 pounds at the line