Proud of the AMX

Yea, you were definately the most negative poster about them. No doubt about it.
Claiming there was something in it for me, when that most definately wasn’t the case. Just merely trying to promote what has turned about to be a great product for the Mopar community.
I will refrain from the personal attacks you seem to enjoy. Badmouthing my business, lying about it, my taxes, and other stuff you know zero about.
You need to spend more time in church, for being the avowed Christian you claim to be, you exhibit none of the character traits.

Just remember you started this battle the first day you called me a lier. I deleted you as a Facebook friend that day and took a screenshot so I wouldn’t forget your actions. Then you did it again so the gloves were off. You are a useless dirt ball that has done nothing on your car without help. But you do imitate a Parrot very well and I’m not the only one that has said this on this website. As far as you sharing tech you could probably tell us how to sit in a chair while someone polishes your Dart.