Horsepower Estimate?

Its weight and mph=hp period
Everything else is just about et gears/verter/traction/tunning
mph might change abit if it does you refigure it
you take your weight and mph= hp
Then look up weight and that hp will tell you the quickest et you can run if everything is perfect aka traction/gearing/verter /tunning
At some point when everythings perfect and you get that best et for that mph, at that point you need more power to go quicker

These charts and graphs are all ok but there can be things that kinda mess up the numbers. Example my duster with my 422 Indy headed 422 ran [email protected]
[email protected]

My Edelbrock headed 408 has gone [email protected]

My 422 had a solid lifter cam, 4 year old springs, and an 850 carb. This engine was out of steam at or before 1000 foot with my 4:88 gears

My 408 has the same size lift cam but it’s a roller cam. I also upgraded to a 1000 cfm carb. I never have ran it 1/4 mile as every track runs my class 1/8 mile. But it is pulling like a mule up top compared to my 422. I know it would probably run 9.28-9.32 but if you would run the numbers on an 1/8 mile chart I’m thinking the horsepower numbers would be off. So gearing has to be a factor I’m sure. So wouldn’t carb size play into this too.