Fun weekend but still broke something haha

First time down the track this season for me and not in my own car. I know it’s not an A body but still a mopar and it’s all I got going on right now til my engine is done. Dad let me take his Roadrunner to Quaker city in Salem Ohio while he was in florida last weekend. I could only go Sunday so headed out early. Car laid down a 5.72 at 118.83 during the time run which is its fastest pass. Couldn’t believe it but wow it was fun. Made it through first round by luck. Sadly, second round, car launched and when it landed I lost steering and car went toward wall. Luckily I was able to keep it off the wall and get it back to trailer safely. Well the steering coupler seems to have broke so that is going to be addressed and upgraded.

Once again I got to call dad with good news followed by bad news lol. Luckily he was not upset, just happy I didn’t get hurt.

Man I’ll tell you what, being a dedicated top bulb racer with a starting line enhancer and air shifter in my Demon, then going to footbraking and hand shifting this tank of a B-body, was a real fun time.

If he will let me drive often, I think I can get ok on the bottom bulb with more practice. I was crappy first two passes on the tree. Then talked to some better foorbrakers and got some advice. Increased front tire psi and “hit it” harder during second round and came
Up -.009 red. Which I was happy with because at least I was going for it.

Side note, my 540 is done at the machine shop and my builder seems pretty set that it’ll be done this season, although I’ve told him a dozen times it can wait til next season. Lol.

I’m happy to see lots are still out there racing their stuff and trying to push themselves harder and push their cars harder. It’s motivating. Thank you everyone.

