Nicks Garage, 572 HEMI, Here we go....

The software comes on a disk but is also available for free from their website. The cable I use is a simple USB to serial adapter, very very easy to use.

I can't remember exactly how I programmed it but I usually like working with nice round numbers. What I probably did is set base timing @ 40 total, with the distributor locked out. That way , if I find it runs best at 30 degrees, I subtract 10 degrees with the software and shape the curve. I may have it idling at 20 degrees which means I pulled 20 with the software. It's really slick and easy to test this way. Wanna try 34 degrees? Easy just subtract 6 degrees and dyno it. You don't even have to pickup a timing light once you've verified the base setting.

So in the video, when they try it @ "32" , depending on the rpm he sees 32 at and the shape of the curve, as the engine gets to a higher rpm it may access another 10 degrees so now it's actually @ 42 degrees. I suspect this is what's going on with the peak hp being much lower and sooner at 5900 rpm. The engine is doing too much negative work-hence the power drop off. J.Rob
That’s the biggest thing I took away from the video. Any time you see a programmable box you have to assume the distributor is locked out and timing is synced to the box. ALL adjustments are done electronically, NOT at the distributor. Some guys should stick to restorations.