How To Measure Fuel Volume.

mopar race manuals, says have to pump 1 25 seconds or less. that is Minium volume. i use a areomitive fuel pump and reg.and 1/2 line. just food for thought
That's a lot!
A few pulls on a chassis dyno to get a look at the power curve would probably answer a few questions.
They often have an o2 sniffer they can slide in the pipe to check the a/f ratio.
I'd love to, but that ain't in the budget.
It also will improve the bottom with that large ish
cam and smallish convertor, which will positively effect the Et slip.
Will create more torque around where his convertor hits.
For a cheap investment, I would also throw a 4 hole spacer on the car.
Especially with the single plane on it.
Four hole might not fit under the hood. I'd have to measure. Good thing to experiment with. Thanks.
This is not your whole problem. But I've run those carbs before and those jet sizes are a few sizes bigger than I ever ran. Especially in the front. As some said earlier the you need to check the AFR a chassis dyno is great for that. Or you could install a wide band O2 and and watch it yourself. I had one of those carbs and without a power valve in the rear it mostly ran the quickest and fastest with 70 in the front and 78 in the back. On pump gas and 68 & 76 on race gas. Good luck with your project.
I will experiment with jetting. Thanks
Just a little something for those who feel like the speed is way off for the ET……..

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For a super-efficient combo the mph is close. But for my less-than-ultimate, it should run faster for the 11.80.
And that’s why I said a time skip isn’t the do all, bee all, end all in telling performance. It’s not and it’s not very accurate unless you know what the engine should make for power in the weather conditions for the day.

Then you can look at the time slip and trust it.

Of course even that assumes can bite you in the keester because I’m still stunned by how many people don’t know the exact weight of their car.

I was at the track a week ago with a friend and a guy says “what’s the car weigh”? It’s a 73 Duster with iron heads.

So I told him. And the dude is insulted. He says there is no F’ing way the car weighs that much.

And I do know what it weighs because it’s been scaled. With my friend in the drivers seat with his helmet it’s 3600 on the nose with a full tank.

I weigh about 90 pounds less than he does and the tank was 3/4 full so I told him 3500 with my pig sized fat *** in it.

He figured it was in the 3200 pound range and I laughed. It’s a 73 dude, it’s heavy.

Without knowing exactly what the car weighs you are just guessing what you make for power with a time slip.

I was probably plus or minus 20 pounds so I was close.
I need to run it more and get the power, etc. sorted out.
Pretty sure you’re correct.

Unless they say it was on scales I ASSume it’s a guess.

Kinda like when guys say their compression ratio is 10:1ish.

Then I know they are guessing and anything I say after is just a WAG.
I had it on the local dump scale w/ me and probably a 1/4 tank of gas. 3000#