Advancing Cam Question

Average cc chamber volume: 64.6
Bore: 4.030
Dome cc: -1.2
Gasket: .040 (estimate, was .057 before install)
Gasket bore diameter: 4.125 (scaled)
Deck: .018 (below)
At 4.03 x 3.58, your swept is 748.3 cc

Total chamber, per to match your numbers is;
64.6 -1.2+ 8.6gasket +3.76 deck=75.76 and so
(748.3+75.76)/75.76=10.9 alrightee, but 185psi is pointing to 11.4 at sealevel.
to hit 185psi at 10.9, you'd have to be ~2200ft below sealevel .......
The point is, something is not correlating, and I trust the Wallace.
My guess is that One of Us did some creative math .......... lol, or your compression gauge is real optimistic.

I ran that cam back in year 2000, with KB107 Flat-Tops, and alloy heads; at 11.3Scr.
She was a real snorter. But not very streetable until she gets to 4.30s, and I ran a clutch.
At 900ft elevation, and in 4* advanced, I was getting only 175psi and my gauge more or less matches what the Wallace predicts.