Found out a couple of more bits of info.
The GPEC2A ('15+) controller does control the radiator fans. Still needs relays (of course) but it doesn't go through a TIPM with logic of it's own like the '14 and older cars. So just some extra relays but no additional fan controller required.
Also, for the '09-12 (I think) trucks, the cruise control switch on the steering wheel is hooked direct to the NGC4 controller while the similar vintage cars hook to the SCCM which puts messages on the CANBus network for the PCM to read. In both cases, an ABS module would be required for functional CC, but the trucks would (should?) be easier to make function. I spent a fair amount of time trying to sniff the CC messages and have gotten no where so far, but the truck hook up would only require some resistors and no network shenanigans.
Lastly, while I don't have absolute confirmation, I believe that the car NGC controllers can't just turn on the SRV controls and make that work. All of the 6.4 intake or motor swaps I have found so far have had to use an RPM switch to make it work. At the same time, '09+ truck NGC controllers have no problems running the SRV module on the 6.4 intake, or the truck intakes for that matter.