My 1972 F7 Dart Swinger

I found one seat track first and it was reasonable so I bought it, then later found a set and bought them. I'm glad I did because once I got into them, I found some of the nylon slides were cracked and partly missing. I was able to put one good set together for the most part with only one 1 slide that was cracked in a spot but still workable. I used that on the passenger side. If you end up in need I have some ball bearings and a couple of rollers also.
I'm going to need some rollers. I was thinking of just getting some 1/2" stainless rod and cutting it down to size to replace all the rollers. So far, I've got one that's really worn with a groove in it and doesn't roll very smoothly and 2 others that are worn a little. They roll a little better but still not smooth.