Stop in for a cup of coffee

Good morning everyone. Today is my EMG to find out what nerves at my spine are causing the troubles in my shoulders and hands. I have hope, but some doubts also. What could go wrong with needles in my spine hooked to jumper cables
Those nerve test can get a little ruff depending on the tec doing them, sometimes I think they are waking up nerves when they hit them with voltage, but doctor will not say anything except We are testing the nerves connection to a leg, arm or where ever.
My damage is threw my lower back to my left hip and leg, being drug by a station wagon and thrown out is suspect, left leg was trapped momentarily then let me go, I was heading to the strawberry field at age 10.
Hope you have a a sweet young lady hooking you up, and a Doctor that will not throw you off the table :lol: all aside keep us updated, had two or three of these done, easy peazy.