Fun weekend but still broke something haha

Thanks Sean! I forgot to post weather.
It was 74.0 degrees 51.8% humidity 28.75” barometer 3005’ altitude 67.2 water grains and 1.078 correction factor. Much better weather than the weekend prior at 42. But won’t be the best weather we race in this season (hopefully). Dad is tickled pink the car is as fast as it is. Now that he saw more of its potential. I’m sure he’s itching to get back in and beat my time lol.
What was the DA?
I had a similar problem early on with my Duster, except it was a steering box with wallowed out mounting holes. It caused me to get loose at 120mph at the big end. I got out of it and stayed out of the brakes and got it to stop fishtailing and took it back to the trailer. Almost needed a change of underwear after that one!