Spark plug reading

Thanks for chiming in. #2 looks oily to me, but hope not as it's new build(by me).
Lean issue was surging. Or at least I think it was a lean issue.
1405 at the time was stock rods/Jets n springs. I don't have my notes handy right now but I did a slight change (as per cal chart). I think it was springs, with little change. So I changed to 8" plain(richest) springs and 1446 rods and that solved the surging. I have since changed from 8" plain springs to 7" pink ones. Rods are still 1446(.068x.042). I have maybe 20 miles on it since last change.
Sorry for long response, trying to give as much info as possible.
Verrrrrrrrry rich. What was the lean issue? The timing mark on the ground strap is an indication of heat interpreted in relation to timing. It could lie to you until you get your AFR in line.

The plug almost looks too cold, you want a bit more threads on the shell showing heat. The sheen on the plug is either fuel or oil.