Guns, Dogs and Blades QnA

Sooo, I like dogs. I choose to not have one for various reasons. My recently divorced fat angry ***** of a neighbor just acquired a gonna be big dog. Im not a breed expert but it kinda looks like an Airdale but its gonna be bigger. She lets it run and is starting to annoy me and other people. Her ex would never let this happen. I could talk to him and have a civil conversation about the situation.
Any conversation with her would end up confrontational. I'm afraid I would head but her in the nose if I tried to have a peaceful conversation.
Any advice to keep the barking, jumping on me dog off of my patio? I really want to tag the dog with a soft pellet shot but it's really not the dog's fault and I don't want to bother the po po about this petty stuff. I'm thinking pepper spray. I tried yelling and hitting it with a broom but it thinks I'm playing. It just keeps coming back.
Any advise?