This will be interesting

Westcott Jr. is driving the Andy Rhoades owned " Karolinacuda " Andy is driving the "Krazycuda ", this will be the second two car team as said Jason is driving " Fishstick " and Bucky the "Pshychocuda " . A friend and I are driving out from N.J. just to watch the Hemi Challenge. I am psyched ! my prediction : ! Westcott and Comella in the Final ''' either Pancake or Baum will make it to the semis along with Jason Line , Comella for the Win as Charlies lack of recent seat time will bite him. Just my opinion / prediction ! I am probably wrong !!! I read that the Cudas of Tueton and Depillo won't be attending. Thanks to all involved in putting this race together its gonna be great !!!