Benefit Auction for 67dart273

Setting up one of our famous benefit auctions to help out one of our long time members who has provided tons of help and knowledge to others on this forum over the years.

For those that do not know, Del aka 67Dart273 suffered a house fire a few weeks back and is needing some help getting back on his feet.

ALERT !! Tragedy !! 67Dart273

So what we’re gonna do is a benefit auction to try to help him out.

how this will work is some member here will list an item, others will bid on it via this thread with the proceeds going to Del. The listing member is allowed to bid on their own option.

Items can be anything car related or not car related as long as it’s “legal”.

No new members. Must have been a member here for at least 30 days and have more than 10 posts.

Unless noted by the person donating an item states otherwise. winning bidder is responsible for shipping costs

Auction will end at midnight on 28 August 2024 or at discretion of admins. Notice of any changes to end date will be posted 24 hours out minimum(this is in case del needs the funds sooner)

All items should be paid within 48 hours of auction close. PayPal address will be posted the last day of auction.

So I’m off to my treasure trove aka storage shed to see what I can find.

Times are tight but I think we can get him something at least.

@RustyRatRod I’ll ask @toolmanmike to this pin this, yo Mike! Need some help pinning this please