Advertised as Kentucky Fried Chicken original recipe

We make oil for Pizza Hut too.
It's not the same as Yum! oil, it's a lower grade, but still high quality.
I was surprised by this when we first stared production for both a couple of years ago seeing that they are owned by the same company.
We also make oil for Burger King and it isn't even close to the same as regular oils, it's more like liquid shortening.
And they have a very strict control over the quality, VERY strict.
Again, this is in Canada.
We also own Wesson in Memphis, Tennessee.
The company I work for is a major player in the industry...
I work for a company that does food production equipment and yeah, you're 100% right, there's HUGE variance in the quality of various products, even within the same company. I cannot name names but I know one companies' frozen lasagna is made right next to a competitors' frozen lasagna in the same plant, and the quality of ingredients and care in manufacturing is vastly different.

It's all what the customer wants to pay for