Affordable protection for your racing operation

Good afternoon fellow Mopar racers. I thought I would share this information with you in case anyone would be interested. I want to make it clear that I'm only sharing information and not submitting an ad nor am I being compensated in any way, shape or form. Anyway, recently at one of my local tracks a friend of mine lost control of his car at the top end and had a really bad accident. His car was totaled, but thankfully he came out of it with only bumps and bruises. He's not a man of much means and he had to scrape and save to be able to race and keep his car going. Now most likely we won't see him racing again any time soon. This got me to thinking about my operation. I've got a good job that pays well and when I bought the Arrow that was a major purchase/investment for me. Then this spring a bought a new trailer set up the way I've always wanted and it's financed. My friends accident got me thinking about what would I do if I had a on track accident or an accident towing to and from a race. I'd seen this company's ads on facebook and TV but thought their insurance would be way too expensive for me to afford. But last week I decided to contact Laris Motorsports Insurance to get a quote so I would get the sticker shock! I was very much mistaken. I got full agreed value coverage for the Arrow and my trailer including all contents ( golf cart, tools, etc.) with ON TRACK COVERAGE for $110 per month! I was floored. I sign up and now I feel relieved knowing if something happened to the car, trailer or both I won't be left holding the bag. Just wanted to share this in case any of you have the same worries.