Stop in for a cup of coffee

So a couple of good old boys are working out of mine out west in the old days. Bob and Jim. Bob wanted Jim to come up and work with him at the mine so Jim did. Things were going pretty good, especially on Saturdays. They had a wooden barrel about 5 ft tall with a hole cut in it about waist high. Maybe 3 or 4 in in diameter. So every Saturday all the guys in the mining camp would line up and walk up to the barrel about waist high and you know ,insert. So after Jim's turn he was talking with Bob about how great that was. So Bob told him yes. It's pretty great. But there's also not so good news. Jim asks what's the bad news. Bob says next Saturday it's your turn in the barrel...
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: