Will I ever get this package??

I use the USPS a lot,,,,but it’s a racket !

Some are purposely being routed wrong,,,,,some packages go a few states out if the way .
Uses more fuel,,,,uses more labor,,,,,uses more equipment .
I know it’s on purpose,,,,because the label will be perfect,,,,,bar codes are perfect,,,,,,machines are not at fault .

Then,,,,,the leaders can say before Congress,,,,,,we are losing money ,,,,we must raise rates again!
Not all of them,,,,but the leaders,,,,,most postal workers are great !

The only problem I usually have is anything that comes from out West,,,,,has to go through Memphis .
That will usually add 3-4 days to it,,,,,honest .
It will get to the Memphis terminal quickly,,,,,,and then just sit .
It’s getting to be that way from Nashville too on some occasions,,,but you can depend on it being delayed from Memphis .

All the other shipping companies usually do fine,,,,,just the postal service here ,,,,lol .
