Lower control arm parallel to ground - alignment problems?

Lets get something straight,
> I'm not being mean towards the owners of 318s,
> nor to 318s in general,
> nor especially to 318s with 160Plus psi,
> just those 318s, in what may have started out as 108 to 115psi,
and now with a big cam, is pumping less than 95psi.

I been there; nothing sux more than a 340 cammed, gas sucking, super low pressure, deadbeat 318, with 3.23s; unless the cam is even bigger, and/or the rearend is even smaller.
4.56 gears and/or a 3500 stall, in a streeter, is not a good solution.
If yur gonna throw a thousand bucks(or more) worth of band-aids at her after the fact, you might as well have just bumped the pressure up in the first place.

I just know how disappointing these engines are, at low-pressure, and in my world even 140psi is low, never mind 115, or Lord have mercy, 95.
I mean, Criminy;
>I've had worn out flat-head lawn mowers with more pressure than that.
> that's one step above running with the auto-decompressor stuck open.
> I mean the typical street engine with an automatic transmission, is gonna spend some 95% of it's life, at under 4000 rpm in Second gear, and with any factory stall convertor, that's a powerband of say 2000 rpm; 2/3rds of which is off the cam,
so why in tarnation would you install a 6000 rpm cam into it in the first place knowing you'll never get there in Second gear, until deep into speeding territory; and then saddle it with a paltry 95psi in the rpm range in the which the engine is gonna spend most of it's life.
That's messed up.

Cam your 318 for your usage and never mind it doesn't have a super-stock lumpy idle. That's just a heckuva sacrifice to make.
I know you were just messing around :) And i have 4.57's.. it should go ok.. it's a temp motor to get the car mobile is all for now