Maybe you should choose your words more carefully, I was victimized, my only mistake was trusting someone when I should have been suspect,I have 40 years of business experience and this is the only time I have lost money due to deception and theft. Again I would attribute my mistake to my medical condition at the time but I didn’t cheat or take advantage of anyone. I just wanted a part to complete a restoration and after 40 years of good experiences I stumbled on to a cheat.
You chose the guy. You knew of said bad reputation. Those two facts are indisputable. Whether you like that or not is not up to me and it's not my fault. I'm sorry you were taken advantage of and I honestly hope you get refunded every penny. But as I said before, you have skin in this game. This was a big purchase, plus you have a chunk tied up in return shipping. Yes, I 100% agree you were taken advantage of, but you should have been more diligent. It's happened to all of us at one point or another. All we can do is learn.