Your best gravy secrets

When last weeks preseason steeler football game came on my mind went straight to thoughts of my Dads homemade dill pickles. We waited weeks for them to be done and would start sampling them when football started. Best dill pickles I’ve ever had.
Kind of the same story here. Grandpa used to spend hours in his small garden in N.E. Mpls tending his cucumbers, and every year we would (im)patiently await the results of his efforts when the leaves began to fall.

Heck! As a kid I would sometimes get a quart of Grandpa's Pickles as Christmas gifts, and since I grew-up with them, in my mind they were (and still are) The Best Damn Pickles in The World! Wish like Hell I could re-create his recipe. Tried many times...

Mom's gravy is "right up there", and hopefully my wife will be able to carry-on so that recipe isn't lost as well.