Your best gravy secrets

I use the potato masher to scrub all the stuff off the bottom of the roasting pan, lotta the "black" stuff, smush it all up, add a cup of hot water to float all the grease up off the flavorful stuff below.
Pour it all back into the pyrex measuring cup I used for hot water.
Pour, spoon, get rid of the grease off the top, by looking thru the side, - then pour all the good stuff/essences/flavor stuff into a sauces pan.
Add water as nec, salt to taste, - bring to boil.
I use a flour slurry, - flour/water mixed in a bowl and slowly add/stir enuff slurry to thicken to choice.
I use a tasteless gravy browning to add color when nec. (Cross&Blackwell gravy browning)
Kinda a low fat version with tons of flavor.
Good luck.