Lower control arm parallel to ground - alignment problems?

Hang on, I was not pointing any fingers at you. Nor at anyone in particular.
I've been here for 10 years and I thought I'd seen it all until about a week ago. I just lost it. I should probably go back and apologize, but I can't cuz I said I was out.
I have run 4.88s in mine, and 5.38s and 4.30s and a bunch of other gears, depending on what trans I was using (I've run all the Mopar Manuals at one time or another.) And I run the GVod .
I finally figured out that the only gear that was really important to me was Second, and any gear-ratio from 5.80 to 6.80 was about right.
Well it turns out that 1.92 Second times 3.23 in the back, equals 6.20, and 1.92 x 3.55= 6.80 either of which was just about perfect. In the end, I liked 3.55s with the 3.09 low better, for parading. And so, that's what has been in her for over two decades. I sold everything but the 4.88s.
Nothing to apologize for.. i was just messing around... **** gets taken wrong in text a lot is all. :)