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Completely disagree about the ag economy. Corn and Soybeans are down nearly 40 percent , while seed cost is up 300 percent and Nitrogen , herbicides and fertilizers are up 1500 percent. Cattle prices are flat, hog prices are down, feed lots charging higher seller fees than before , packers charging more. Bottomline, farmers are making less net per bushel and per pound than at any time since 1960. That’s not even counting diesel cost or equipment cost. Lots of small farmers gonna go under if this continues.

That and the amount of farm ground in the corn bet states has shrunk by an average of 230,000 acres per state since last year. The largest on record decline since 1934…
You pay attention to this, its alarming. And i agree the small scale farmers are taking a beating. Well, all of them are. Another year or two of this and we are in for another depression. Guess i should crack open the lawn, turn it into a garden and start growing my own food. Maybe need a root cellar too.