Your best gravy secrets

My favorite is sausage gravy, to be slathered on a hot fresh biscuit with an egg or two on top. Crown that business with some hot sauce and it's Breakfast Heaven!

Use a one-pound tube of Farmer John sausage (I prefer the Hot version, but the Sage or regular is also excellent). Brown till the little nubs are just starting turning dark. Leave the sausage in the pan and add enough flour to soak up all the drippings - maybe 3-4 Tablespoons or so. It will look very dry. I stir that around on medium heat and let the flour get just golden, then start adding whole milk a little at a time. It will start out super thick, keep adding milk slowly and stirring. I usually add the milk in 3-4 increments as it gets thicker as it cooks. When it's the right consistency add kosher salt and fresh ground pepper to taste. If you have smoked peppercorns for the grinder that really kicks this up a notch.

I'm making myself hungry, I might be having breakfast for dinner tonight. :thumbsup: