Carter/Eddie AFB question

runs smooth when idling >1500 rpm.
I never had a slanty that wouldn't idle at 500 in gear, and 450 without load.
But, you know, with just three shots per revolution, the engine, at low idle, has a naturally unsmooth and characteristic cadence.
This cadence is completely unrelated to carburation and or Idle-timing; it's always there at 450/500 rpm. But, standing at the tailpipe, I like the thoop-thoop-thoop sound. Oh sure the engine is jumping around on the mounts some, which is natural with heavy pistons flying around on a 4.125 stroke, just 3 pulses per revolution on the Flywheel; and the tailpipe is dancing on it's rubberized hanger; but that thooping business, floats my boat. I mean 450 rpm @3 shots per Revolution is 22.5 shots per second, you can't count that fast, but you almost think you can, lol.