Only a few things can happen if you try and raise launch rpm, like any experiment. Car will either go faster, slower, or stay same. I agree with B34225 in the sense that sometimes raising launch rpm will only effect reaction time more than 60’ after a certain threshold. Some cars like higher launch while others like low. Like all things, it’s all relative. Suspension, tire size, wheel base, converter stall, etc etc ALL MATTER.

In my own car I’ve gone from 3,000-5,500 launch rpm when I had 4.30 gears. Car slowed down the lower I launched it. Once I went to 5,500 from 5,000, it made no difference, so its sweet spot was 5,000.

When I put the 4.56 gear back in the car I immediately dropped the launch rpm to 4200 because I knew the car might get stupid with a 5,000 launch and the steeper gear. Car loved 4,200. I tried 3500, didn’t like it. Went to 4,000 and it’s been happy there with fast and consistent 60’.

On the flip side, a friends car hated higher launch rpm. And by higher I mean 4,000. I mean HATED. The chassis was so upset with the higher launch that we had no choice but to lower it. After scaling car, and making every possible chassis adjustment he had available. All it took was lowering it to 3,000 and it’s a xerox machine. And funny thing, his car was always like that with every engines he’s ever ran and two different rear suspensions.

Point of my story, theory is theory, and every car is different. Every car will like something different. Find what works best for your combo, and from reading this thread sounds like you have a well sorted out combo with some fast 60’ and ET.