Pertronix II users

There is a 50/50 chance of getting the p/up phasing wrong. You would soon know it because the engine will run like crap, backfiring etc.
That is what post #1 says is happening.

The Pertronix has the pick up coil inside the ignition module. No way to reverse wire it unless you cut the module apart. The only wires to the Pertronix are 12v power and coil negative. I don't think you would get any spark at all if you get those reversed. You could have trouble but still sort of run if you have the coil positive and negative backwards.

This sounds like a case of "90% of carburetor problems are the ignition." I would make sure there isn't anything loose and the gap between the Pertronix and the ring of magnets is not too wide. Also check to be sure the rotor makes good contact with the cap, no loose screws, and no issues with wire splices.

Got it. I take it all back, then. Many apologies.

It can't be a problem with the Pertronix 'cuz it came from the bay and was only used for ONE donut run. All things from the bay are all good all the time. Everybunny knows you can't argue with that. this case, 'donut' maybe being a misspell of 'it don't'.