What If Build Ideas...for Land Speed Racing

So I threw the motor back in to double check everything.

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What about gusset the joints? Not the same as triangulation, but could stiffen some.
Another concern can be crash G loading getting transferred to the driver. Part of the reason new cars are written off so much in apparently not that serious crashes is the impact absorbtion structure. The first few inches bends relatively easily, while becoming stiffer as the structure is bent. NASCAR incorporates this in their cages. That upper bar coming off the front upper of the firewall has a curve near the front as it bends down to be welded to the front frame rail. In a NASCAR superspeedway crash, the speeds can be 200MPH with collisions with other cars or the wall possible.
Now on the salt there is not much to hit beyond the timing sensors. Getting airborn is a possibility, which presents impact with the ground as the immoveable object that causes damage.
Just something to consider with input from the tech guys. On SCTA/BNI safety, I am not an expert by any stretch.