360 stroker kit in 340

It would have to be pretty cheap, piston are unlikely to fit, crank has to be modified $$$, so you get rods and a crank, can you buy new piston, get the crank modified and get some $$$ back selling the 360 pistons, do you save enough money to make it worth while ?

Like most others say buy it and a 360 block, save the 340 for another build or sell that, worth a few $$$.
I don't disagree there are probably cheaper and easier ways, but some here have said "no it won't work" and that's simply not true. If somebody needs to use what they have, it most certainly can be done. I forget which pistons Tom Hoover used, though I remember they were positive deck height, but he used an off the shelf piston. @oldkimmer might know.