73 duster Emergency brake?

Sure but what tire sizes? The rim isn't really a big deal, it's the overall tire diameters and widths that really change the braking balance.

The prop valve controls the whole brake balance, but as long as it's working properly replacing it isn't going to change much. Now if it's stuck I suppose that could mess with your front/rear bias, but usually that results in more extreme issues than what you're having. Plus it wouldn't effect a single brake, it would be both rears being altered.

The hoses obviously could affect one side (depending on which hose we're talking about).

A picture would be helpful! Not that I don't believe you, but sometimes people miss stuff. I know I certainly have!
My rear tires are 246/60/15. And my front tires are 205/70/14. So how would you check the brakes normally on a car.... I know It sounds like a stupid question But you know what I mean.