funny pictures

I had a huge hornet nest in a tree in my front yard some years ago, never knew it was there until one day my dog was near it and suddenly yelped for no reason. I went to check on her and my ankle got nailed 4 times in a second, nearly dropping me to the ground.
I quickly realized where the nest was and got the dog and myself away from it.
Next day I talked to a customer who was an exterminator about what I could do to get rid of permanently.
He advised me to get a couple cans of ether, and wait until the early hours of the morning when they are less active, then spray the hell out of it. Worked perfectly and a couple days later I was able to pull the nest off the tree and tossed it into the bonfire in my yard. Thing was over 2 feet long and nearly 2 feet in diameter. My then wife wanted to keep it for a Halloween decoration, but it went up in flames.