Horn and Hazard Wiring

Hazard is not that simple. Why are you doing this, AKA custom column or you can't fix the original? Horn is black I believe. Look up the column connectors, one for the turn switch and one for the ignition switch.

So far as hazard, all these girls have two flasher units. The hazard flasher gets power at all times. The older cars had dash mount hazard switches. These are a 4 terminal switch, rather special. When open, none of the 4 are continuous, or closed. When activated, all 4 are continuous, or closed, together. That switch connects one terminal to the hazard flasher output, and one to the left front signal wire, one to the right front, and the last to the brake light switch wire going INTO the TS switch. So with the TS switch centered, and your foot OFF the brake, activating the switch sends hazard flasher output to all four corners.

I believe someone on here mentioned that same switch is for some other purpose, maybe the map light? I do not remember. I also don't know where to get such a switch. You could also rig a realy, a LOT of work if you could simply replace the factory TS switch!!!