Stop in for a cup of coffee

Ebag ticked me off a little last night. I was bidding on something. Was at 9 bucks. I went to 12 and got an outbid notice. Was going to go a couple more $ and got a notice "Get $5 off if you download and use the app". I thought I already had it, but I guess I deleted somehow. Still had a few minutes, so added the app and got discount code. Easy peezie, right? Got on it quick and upped to 16 (no biggie, but higher than I was going to.) I won and went to pay. Get notice I need to add more to use the code. :wtf: Go back and find it's $50minimum, and it only give 2 hours to use it. :BangHead: I'm sure I could have got to that easily with some watched items I had not ordered yet, But this is the middle of the night and I'm tired. So just completed it and said F the $5. I did delete the app again, so will see on future bigger purchase if I get another offer.