No spark

Thank you for all the info.
Its my wifes car and it ran decent albeit a little rough from day one. Lots of other issues but it started and ran with the current setup. Converted from points to electronic ignition. I cannot tell what ignition coil is in it as it has been painted completely black and there are no markings at all. I just assumed it was an internally resisted coil hence the ballast resistor not being hooked up and car started and ran ok. Its been like this for a couple years now. So it just quit(no start) one day on the road, got it running after banging on the carb and fuel pump, and swearing at the thing for an hour, but it backfired, missed and ran bad. I figured it was a carb issue all along. Now it has no spark at all. I tested continuity on all ignition wires(good). ICM box ground on firewall is good. Coil is getting 12V on + side when cranking, but no control on - side of coil. About 9V on + side and approx 1.4V on - side at run position. The distributor pickup seems to be working, there is continuity and a little over 1V AC cranking engine.
I am sure it is now a bad ICM. (Original Chrysler box)
The troubling part is the pin from the ICM that is supposed to go to coil - is actually wired to the distributer pickup. The pin on the ICM that supposed to go to pickup is wired to - coil. Seems wrong to me but it ran before so I assume it does not make a difference.
Either way I am redoing all the wiring and checking for breaks, dirt, corrosion. Switching to an externally resisted coil, wiring in a ballast resistor. and if still no spark I will replace the ICM.
My wife has spent a small fortune and has a built 360 with MSD ignition, new everything front to back, and its being put in it this winter so Im really just trying to get it running to enjoy it for a few months anyway.
Wow- it sounds like a total mess. OF COURSE the connections matter, regardless of whether it ran or not before. As you keep emphasizing, it ran like crap when it did run... it just sounds like the cobbled up wiring and components finally gave up the ghost.
You need to start over from square one with new components and stick to the proper wiring schematic, or it's never going to run right.
If you're using a five pin ECU (which requires a four pin ballast), use this diagram:
If you're using a four pin ECU (which only needs a two pin ballast), use this diagram:
Go over to and download your factory service manual, which has all the wiring diagrams for your car. They're free.
Service Manuals – MyMopar
This way you'll be able to identify the necessary wires to splice into when you re-do that whole ignition wiring mess.
Better yet, go to Jeg's, Summit or Mancini and order the electronic ignition conversion kit; it will have all new components, a wiring harness that is a no-brainer to install, and complete instructions.
You can also download the conversion instructions from
Even if you convert to the MSD at a later date (not sure why you would want to, but do what you want), you still need to get your wiring straightened out or you will just be making improper connections all over again and wondering why it still runs like sh*t after you dropped all that money into it...