Instrument Cluster plastic repair issue..

Need to rebuild the posts a bit so I have something to hold removing them, even being careful with my soldering iron, many of them mushroomed or blew out as the metal plate got hot as well. I could use some milliput, jb weld, or green stuff to make a new base post..

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Try this.

1. Heat up a small finishing nail . (this is where the butane torch becomes very handy)

2. While its still hot, push it into the center of the remaining post.

3. Re assemble the plastic parts with the protruding nail sticking through the part where the post used to be.

4. Melt the plastic model material around the finishing nail until it takes up the space and secures the parts together.

5. Use a snip to cut the excess length of the finish nail that's not needed.

BTW, if you have a Hobby shop in your area, they will have plastic repair rods of different lengths and colors you can use.
