Found my dads original 1971 duster!

Hey guys. I haven’t posted in a bit, as I needed to take a bit of a break from the car, to clear my head.

I had a friend loan me a new rad to try in my car, as we compared my car to his 71 duster and it looks like my brackets that solder onto the side of the rad are in the wrong spot….causing my rad to be too far back….not allowing my original clutch fan to fit. I plan on trying it this week

I put the glass locking strips and stainless trims on the front and back glass today. They don’t fit perfectly, but I’m told that the new glass and gaskets never fit exact same as original stuff. They are good enough to suit the car at this point

I also put the wiper arms on….but after turning them on to try them, it appears that the motor may be mounted wrong. When I turn wiper switch on, the wipers try to go down instead of upwards. Lol. Plus now I can’t get them back off! I’ve googled how to get them off, but I can’t get them to budge. Any tips or tricks would be greatly appreciated

