Advancing Cam Question

If you are advancing 4* to improve the c'ter hit, I doubt you will feel the difference.

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That's about what I found as well;
The biggest improvement was at low rpm with a manual trans, due I supposed, to the higher cylinder pressure.
And retarded, I felt it at the top, like all the way to about 6800, which I wanted to attribute to the overlap period being possibly "better".
The midrange seemed about the same.
Exactly what your chart shows.
But that was 25 years ago.
In the end;
on the street with 3.55s, which is as high as I wanted to run;
Power at 6800 was not really useful to me, being almost 60 mph in First/ 80 in Second/110 in Third.
and, advanced, even 8*, the boost at low rpm wasn't enough to impress me,
so I pulled it out and sold it.

Then I got me a 223@050 and hotdaymn, at 195psi, that was a wicked combo. If that cam had not dropped lobes on me, it would still be in there.
I retarded it, to straight up. and still had a better bottom than the 292, and at the top, while noticeably less powerful, it was still enough to initiate tirespin at 45 mph from a footstomp, and sometimes even50 mph. Mind you, at that time I was only running 275s. 245s were a joke. Soon I had 295s on it, cuz I kept wiping out in traffic and ending up on the median, or facing backwards, yes with 3.55s.
I think everybody should have a fun-combo like that, at least for a few weeks in their life, lol.
Can you do it with a 318?
Yeah/Sure with skinny tires, lotsa cylinder pressure and the right gears, which is gonna kill hi-way fuel-economy.
But if said 318 only makes 95psi pressure, then;
not with 295s,
not with a factory stall, and
certainly not with 3.55s.
But I digress, lol.
that combo had so much bottom end, that eventually, I installed one of them A833 super wide-ratio overdrives, AND a GVod behind that, which got me final drive of 1.97, which got me, 65=1600 rpm. This promptly pegged the fuel-economy meter at over 30 mpgs, I kid you not. Allbeit Not with the 750DP, lol. I shouldda tried it I suppose, lol. Naw, that was done with a modified 600, blocked secondaries, and a dash-mounted, dial-back, timing module, set to stun.